Laser Safety Officer

A Medical Laser Safety Officer is one who is found in a medical environment where there is tissue interaction. An appointed Medical Laser Safety Officer is required by OSHA. Every facility that uses a medical or cosmetic laser must establish a formal Laser Safety Program that is managed by a Medical Laser Safety Officer. The MLSO is knowledgeable in laser safety and has the responsibility to implement a laser safety program as well as has the authority to monitor and enforce the control of laser hazards.
ANSI Z136.3 states that there shall be a designated Laser Safety Officer with operation of a Class IIIB and Class IV laser or laser system. Federal regulations require that operation of Class IV lasers must be directly supervised by an individual such as a MLSO who is knowledgeable in laser safety.
Medical Spas & Laser Clinics
A healthcare facility or medical spa can be considered legally compliant with federal and state regulations with an appointed MLSO with laser operation.


Laser Institute

Laser Institute of America

The LIA is a professional society for lasers, laser applications and laser safety worldwide.
The Laser Institute of America is the secretariat to the committee that produces the Z136.3 ANSI Standards as well as publisher of the ANSI series.
OSHA can levy large fines against those who violate or are not in compliance with ANSI standards.

ANSI Z136.3 Standards

ANSI Z136.3

ANSI oversees standards and conformity assessment activities in the United States which are recognized by OSHA and can become law through “Incorporation by Reference”
ANSI standards represent the National Consensus Standard for laser safety in medical spas, laser clinics and healthcare facilities.

Board of Laser Safety

The Board of Laser Safety

The Board of Laser Safety is an adjunct of the LIA who develops and administers the only CMLSO exam compiled by subject matter experts.
Individuals who pass the BLS exam are allowed usage of the trademarked designation of Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer (CMLSO).
A Medical Laser Safety Officer certified by the BLS demonstrates the highest practicing standards of laser safety in the field of cosmetic lasers and laser industry.


The BLS requires each CMLSO to maintain their certification by obtaining certification maintenance points in laser safety.
The course offered by the International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery is a pre-requisite to MLSO certification as well as is approved by the BLS for those who are in need to complete maintenance points.

OSHA Regulations

OSHA General Clause 1910

Physicians must comply with applicable OSHA regulations.
OSHA requires the medical facility to be safe from recognized laser hazards by implementing a laser safety program and documenting Standards Operating Procedures.

OSHA Approved State Programs

OSHA State Programs

OSHA approved state programs provide workplace safety and health programs operated by individual states or U.S. territories.
There are currently twenty-two State Plans covering both private sector and state and local government workers, and seven State Plans covering only state and local government workers.
State Plans are monitored by OSHA and must be at least as effective as federal OSHA regulations in protecting workers and in preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths.

Federal Law

The Federal OSHA Law “Incorporates by Reference” the ANSI laser safety Standards which have thus become an integral part of the Federal OSHA General Clause 1910 Law itself. As such, they are enforceable by OSHA
according to Federal Law and further, may support the filing of Civil Malpractice Litigation.  

OSHA can levy large fines against those who violate or are not in compliance with ANSI laser safety standards.
Further, the Courts can and have awarded large sums as damages for violation of OSHA regulations or referenced ANSI standards.  

To be compliant with national standards, the American National Standards Institute (A.N.S.I.) Z136.3 Standard
“Safe Use of Lasers in Healthcare”, states that EVERY FACILITY that uses a medical laser MUST ESTABLISH a formal Laser Safety Program that is managed by an appointed Medical Laser Safety Officer

An appointed Medical Laser Safety Officer is required by OSHA with usage of high-powered lasers and is considered legally compliant wherever there is laser operation at a medical spa, healthcare facility or laser clinic.