The International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery is unlike any other aesthetic laser forum and provides an all-inclusive platform for medical spas and laser clinics. We provide business owners, physicians, and laser practitioners, with the resources and training necessary to be efficient and compliant in all matters of laser operation.
Our online laser training platform includes various course options depending on individual preference and practice needs. We take medical aesthetic training and resources to new heights where practitioners can perfect the art of practicing laser and light-based devices for optimal clinical outcomes.

The International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery supports practice owners with laser safety compliance solutions and offers Medical Laser Safety Officer training leading to Board Certification with the Board of Laser Safety.Having an appointed and trained Medical Laser Safety Officer takes you one step closer to compliance. 

Our laser compliance resources include industry leaders who specialize in healthcare law and aesthetic practices, as well as textbook resources and OSHA compliance solutions for medical practices.

The board of laser safety

The laser training program offered through the International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery has been approved by the Board of Laser Safety as a prerequisite for those who wish to sit for the Medical Laser Safety Officer exam and be credentialed as a Board-Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer.
Nationally, this course of study is unrivaled in the field of aesthetic lasers and offers professionals the highest recognition and credentialing in the medical laser field.
The program offers professionals the opportunity to work as a Medical Laser safety Officer who will be competent to implement a laser safety program in a medical spa or laser clinic as legally required.
This information is critical to physicians, practitioners and business owners, and gives valuable insight to individual practicing responsibilities required by law.

Federal regulations

Before implementing laser services into private practice, a few things should be considered.
Answering NO to any of these questions leaves your laser practice liable to unexpected grievances or misconduct. Medical spas and laser clinicians are required to practice Standard of Care best practices which includes observance of laser safety regulations and implementation of laser safety policies.

Licensing Partnerships

The International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery is proud to share years of experience, expertise and development, with private schools, colleges and professional organizations. Our laser safety program is available to those who wish to enhance their existing curriculum or for those who wish to simply offer this one and only program.

about the founder

Linda Gulla, LE, Author
MD Endorsed Master Esthetician
CME Adjunct Instructor
Cosmetic Laser Legal Expert

In 2021, Linda founded the International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery where she initiated a laser training program bridging multi-level practitioners in cosmetic laser science and safety regulations. Her laser program has been approved by the Board of Laser Safety and prepares individuals for the BLS CMLSO exam and certification. Nationally, the International Academy of Cosmetic Laser Surgery is unrivaled in laser safety education and best practices, specifically in the field of medical aesthetics. Linda is currently a member of the ASLMS. 


Symone J. Baltimore, Maryland

Aesthetic Lasers and IPL in Dermatology If you’re hesitating or second guessing taking the Aesthetic Laser & IPL Training, DON’T! I really enjoyed this training, Linda is a wealth of knowledge and you will learn a lot in this class. Because of her experience, she also provides tips about other treatments that can be used in addition to Laser/IPL which I loved. Taking this training empowered me and I know it will do the same for you. I’m looking forward to taking more of her classes because I know it’s going to enhance my knowledge and separate me from others!

Michelle D. Atlanta, GA

I am absolutely blown away by the way Linda explained all this very advanced material in small pieces so that the student will have a thorough understanding of the material. I have learned so much about lasers and how genetics and ethnicity help to determine laser parameter settings. She is phenomenal in her teaching skills and abilities. I strongly recommend her 100% for all of your continued educational needs.

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